Payment Protection Policy Update - GoShare Drivers blank

GoShare's Blog

Payment Protection Policy Update

We are thrilled to announce that as of March 1, 2021, GoShare is offering payment protection for all projects on our platform.

What is Payment Protection?

In the event that a customer is overdue on payment for a project booked through the GoShare platform, GoShare will provide the Delivery Professional with the owed amount up to $500 per professional, per project.

These payments may be issued through our automatic direct deposit, or manually, through Paypal.

Why the Change?

You work hard, and you deserve to be compensated. As a broker, GoShare mediates between contractors and customers that use our platform. Payment disputes are very rare, but when they do arise, we’ve always worked tirelessly to pursue customer collections and ensure owed monies were remitted. However, as a start-up, we have not always been in a position to be able to step in and take over for delinquent customers. We are truly thrilled that over the past six years, GoShare has grown large enough to now be able to offer this protection to drivers using the platform.

How to Qualify

In order to receive the payment from GoShare in the event that a customer is overdue, the following conditions must be met. These conditions are required to prevent fraud or abuse of the policy.

  • Delivery Pro provided valid proof of delivery, including a signed bill of lading or image of the delivered item once the project is complete. An image of the item in the vehicle is not acceptable.
  • No pending damage claims or damage claims settled in the customer’s favor, on the project. If a damage claim is settled in the Delivery Pro’s favor, they are eligible for payment.
  • No fraudulent manipulation of the final price, including running the clock to increase overtime pay or adding unnecessary equipment and toll fees.
  • No platform rules were violated during the project, including our zero-tolerance harassment policy or accepting off-platform payments for GoShare projects.
  • Delivery pro must provide a valid Paypal account for payment, if requested.
  • Project must have been booked on or after March 1, 2021. We are unable to provide payment protection retroactively for past projects.

This policy does not apply to tips or projects that are canceled or not completed. Delivery Pros may be eligible for cancellation fees in the event of a canceled project.

How to Request a Payment

If you are a driver and believe you are missing a payment for a project, please start the request for your payment protection by filling out GoShare’s Missing Payment form.

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